Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Defining "Unacceptable Environmental Change":
A Closer Look at the Problem of Nitrogen use

So, really, where shall we begin? There seems to be too many problems we should address in the environment.  Rockstrom et al.'s highly-embraced (but perhaps oversimplified) concept of 'Planetary boundaries' tells us that when these boundaries are crossed planet earth will enter a completely unknown (and hence distressing) change of state. From this diagram ,we observe  our most pressing concerns- biodiversity loss, and nitrogen use and climate change. This post addresses our use of nitrogen which has very, very strong links to agriculture.

(The black line shows the "safe operating boundaries of our planet")

Synthetic fertilizers- the problem!

It is quite mindboggling  to know that currently, anthropogenic nitrogen fixation exceeds that of all natural processes combined.  Essentially agriculture has been the consuming the bulk of it. The sharp rises in crops yields over the past decades basically correspond well to the amount of nitrogen used.

For a long time (before modern agriculture) farmers had the practice of restoring vigour to the soil by using bones with the use of H2SO4 (sulphuric acid) to digest these bones. Investigations by Justus von Liebig showed that Nitrogen was the key part of amino acids and nucleic acids ( the building blocks of cells). And later he invented the Haber process which converts atmospheric nitrogen into a form usable by plants (N2 → NH3 → Nitrates). Lawes then patented and commercialized the processes, making high amounts of artificial nitrates easily and cheaply available.

The acceleration in nitrogen use was fuelled further by the green revolution. The green revolution was characterized by genetically modifying dominant food crops (e.g. rice, wheat) that increased the grain (edible) production of a plant and decreased straw (inedible) growth. However, the viability of these high yielding varieties was conditional. It depended on higher levels of water and fertilizer. This resulted (alongside the provision of government subsidies) in excessive levels of  nitrogen such that there was a 800% increase in fertilizer per hectare in places like Latin America.

This uninhibited use of fertilizers are not without their drawbacks:

Degradation of ecosystems
Firstly, pollution. Agricultural run-off results in excessive amounts of these fertilizers entering aquatic ecosystems such that eutrophication occurs. This destabilizes the system and wipes out ecosystem services they provide e.g. clean water, biodiversity etc. Unfortunately this is a world-wide phenomenon that is very prevelant.

Health Effects
Secondly, the effects on health pose as an occupational hazard to farmers and the general public. Nitrates that seep into ground water end up in drinking water supplies. When in the body, they are converted to nitrites by bacteria which alters haemoglobin resulting in sicknesses like the Blue Baby Syndrome. Also, acidic juices in stomach convert them into nitrosamines which increase the risk of cancer.

Climate Change
Like most other things, the widespread proliferation of synthetic fertilizers was due to the cheap availability of energy (fossil fuels) to enabled the Haber process. It was concluded by Pimentel in 1974 that to feed entire world with the modern agricultural US system, agriculture would account for 80% of our energy use. An excess of converted atmospheric nitrogen in our atmosphere also gives rise to an increase in greenhouse gas emissions in the form of N2O (from livestock and soil emissions) - a very potent greenhouse gas (300 times more than CO2). In fact, agriculture contributes to more than 1/2 of the anthropogenic emissions of N2O.

Synthetic fertilzers- a problem?

Energy Use

In a helpful review by Jeremy Woodes et. al. (2010), they emphasize the utter reliance of modern agriculture on fossil fuels today. However, fossil fuel inputs including that caused by fertilizer manufacture have yielded positive energy ratios (i.e. energy out put > energy input). Therefore, from this point of view, one can say that synthetic fertilizers are indeed an efficient use of resources. It has also been shown that while agricultural energy use is growing due to increasing food production, it is not like Pimentel predicted "80% of our energy use". Instead, it only accounts about 3% of total consumption today. Technological improvements have definitely contributed to this efficiency (although of course one must take into account the overall increase in energy use).

Reduction in Global use?
Rockstrom et al. (2009) propose the boundary to be "limiting agricultural and industrial nitrogen fixation to 35 x 109 kg/year". As an attempt to view this diagram with some caution, I went about researching on the exact problems of nitrogen.

Blomqvist et al.(2012) argues that there is little evidence supporting the notion that there will be negative effect on humans when we transgress these 'boundaries' and that there are "no global tipping points beyond which ecological processes will begin to function in fundamentally different ways" in regard to 6 of the 9 boundaries (biodiversity loss, nitrogen levels, freshwater use, aerosol loading and chemical pollution)

With regard to nitrogen, he argues that while there are excesses in synthetic nitrogen and the problems of pollution etc. will be relevant, there are also areas (e.g. in Africa) where the soil is depleted of its nutrients and some synthetic fertilizer would help restore the arability of the land. Hence, global limits make no practical sense when nitrogen use is vastly different in various localities. Another point of contention he puts forth is that there is no evidence that excessive inputs of nitrogen level will destabilize human development. Instead, he proposes a view of our environment that allows us to "identify and explicate trade-offs".

In response to these misgivings, Rockstrom et al qualified heir concept. As with many popularizations, concepts get generalized and oversimplified. Firstly, they contend that many of these boundaries act as "slow variables". These variables, though they have not shown be direct causes of drastic change, "act as buffers" which enhance the resilience of the system.

Secondly, they had never claimed that the evidence supported 'planetary tipping points' but instead the evidence has shown that local and regional scaled tipping points do occur worldwide (cumulative change) hence giving them the title of a 'major global concern'. Tipping points exist in systems like the lake ecosystem whereby there exists multiple stable states in ecosystems. In lakes, when excessive nutrient (like N, P) inputs along with other triggers encourage the ball to suddenly tip over a healthy state to another state (which Rockstrom argues as undesirable). To revert from that state would require even larger restorative strategies as compared to a linear system. In other words, we will then be "locked-in".


The key word in this debate is "global".  Calls for  reductions in nitrogen everywhere i.e. globally are unsupported but misuses, i.e. both too little and too much, are likely to be extremely prevalent and still warrant a global call for concern. This call for concern, in my opinion, should not then be one that single-mindedly calls for a reduction in nitrogen use but rather an informed choice of nitrogen input based on the ecological settings. Nevertheless, it is true that, as seen by the enormous read flare on the diagram and with the knowledge of our rate of nitrogen fixation, we are in dangerous risk of causing unfavourable change.

While we may not exactly know exactly how ecologically detrimental the crossing of these boundaries are on a global scale, it can be argued that the destructiveness of small-scaled local and regional ecological disasters we now observe should at least put considerable caution in our step. Why action now and not later? The argument for that given the "multiple-states" behaviour which ecosystems exhibit, preventive action now will still be rather effective as compared to curative action later which might have little effect. Better stewardship in these areas now not only prevents us from entering that latter state but also enhances the systems resilience (i.e. makes the hump in between higher by increasing redundancy in the system). Rockstrom et al. argue that we do have the ability now for to adopt this paradigm shift in our mindset and "turn crisis into opportunity" if governments and people come onboard. Needless to say this is a big if. And this if depends on whether there are exist more modern, smarter and cheaper solutions of farming.

Additional References:

Food Politics: What Everyone Needs to Know. Robert Paarlberg. 2010. Oxford University Press.

Food and Development: The political economy of hunger and the modern diet.

The political economy of agrarian change, an essay on the green revolution. Griffin. 1974. http://www.cabdirect.org/abstracts/19766710734.html;jsessionid=D7741B36A23D3E120F3DA6A010C70997

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